Welcome to my blog! Thoughts, updates, and photos from my 2 years in Peace Corps Guinea.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Le début

I will be going to Guinea with Peace Corps shortly after the 4th of July, so I thought I'd start a blog so that I can get some information out before I leave.

I know you're all just dying to send me mail and packages, so my address is:

Mary [my last name], PCV (or PCT for mail to arrive before Septemberish)
s/c Corps de la Paix
B. P. 1927
Conakry, Guinée 

This will be my address the entire 27 months because mail doesn't work very well there. All our mail goes to the capital and then Peace Corps will bring my mail to my site about once a month. Still, please send me mail as often as possible! I promise to write back!

More detailed mailing instructions can be found at an old PCV's blog (http://dorianinafrica.blogspot.com/2008/11/epic-mailing-guidelines-post.html) it's a good idea to read it before sending it. She did a great job putting this together.

I'm excited but terrified and I can't wait for this whole adventure to start!

1 comment:

  1. I know you haven't left yet but man it's going to be weird having you gone for so long. Literally half way across the world!
