Welcome to my blog! Thoughts, updates, and photos from my 2 years in Peace Corps Guinea.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Take a Guinea Day

Don’t use any electricity, other than to charge your phone, and then pay a dollar to do that.
Measure how much water you use. Even better, measure out 20 liters of water in buckets and use that for everything. If doing laundry, add 20 more liters, but do it by hand. Even better, but it in buckets and carry it up and down stairs at least once.
If you’re a girl, wear a long skirt. If you’re a guy, wear business pants and shoes but your brightest button-up. Girls, it doesn’t really matter what you wear on top as long as its clean.
Say Hello to 80% of everyone you see. Even better, ask how they are and how they slept.
For breakfast, drink Nescafe coffee. Use powdered creamer. You can have real sugar, don’t worry.  You can have baguette with laughing cow or Nutella. Or oatmeal, but no milk there either.
For lunch, eat something with rice involved, preferable with fish and spiciness. If you’re me, you eat scrambled eggs instead. Or a baguette and refried beans.
In the evening, break out flashlights and find family or friends to chat with until 8 or so. If none is available, call friends just to say hi and how are you. Don’t make it a long phone call, you don’t have enough minutes for that.
Sleep under a mosquito net. As a replacement, give yourself some other sort of obstacle course to get in bed. Once in bed, listen to a radio, read by flashlight, or listen to your ipod.
Let me know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. haha obstacle course into bed - i remember sleeping in belize trying to get up on the bunk bed and under the mosquito net using only a headlamp for light. felt like such a champion once i got up there
