Welcome to my blog! Thoughts, updates, and photos from my 2 years in Peace Corps Guinea.

Friday, July 20, 2012

In the USA!

Hello, readers! ( I can say that because I know both my parents read my blog, so that's at least 2 people)

I am in the US for a short visit home, filled with rapid-fire travel between Pittsburgh, Erie, Dayton, and DC. I'm just enjoying the luxury that is so everyday here and trying to relax.

Over the next few days I'll give you updates on what's happened since...well, essentially since I was tackled by a fou. It's been a tough time, a happy time, a sad time, a relaxing time, a joyful time. Life in the Peace Corps is always quite the grab bag.

Please excuse me while I go drink another glass of milk and eat some more toast with butter. Refrigeration! It's amazing.

At my host sister Bilikhisa's wedding in June


  1. I read your blog sometimes too, Mary! I like hearing all about your exciting life!

  2. I read your blog too, Mary! No worries, you have many readers!
