Welcome to my blog! Thoughts, updates, and photos from my 2 years in Peace Corps Guinea.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I'm a terrible blogger

The truth is, all the time when I'm in Guinea I think of things to tell you guys about. A post on the role of women, or funny things kids say, or language learning, Guinean music, or cooking or... or... or....

But then I came back to the US, and I have all my pictures at my disposal and all my time to use to blog--and I couldn't think of anything good enough to talk about. I hope you guys enjoyed my house tour, which I filmed in February and have been trying to post. At least something good came from my being in America!

Tomorrow I head back, breaking what seems to be a bit of a curse. We've had 3 volunteers recently medically separated/decide not to return for medical reasons, and ALL of their names start with Ma--. I'm pretty excited to be heading back, especially now that I have a flight that gets in at a reasonable time. Peace Corps tried to book me a flight that got into Conakry at 2am. I mean, I love Guinea and I feel safe in my town, but we're talking about a city where a) I've been attacked by a crazy man b) the political situation is explosive and c) there are police checkpoints after midnight. Luckily, Peace Corps Guinea immediately rectified Peace Corps Washington's small oversight. Win.

My apologies on my failures to post. At least this time when I go back to Guinea, I'll have a working battery in my computer and can type up posts when I think of them!

Five big questions I need answered:
1) Have the mice taken over my house?
2) Has the dust taken over my belongings?
3) Will I have enough time to prepare for school starting in October?
4) What will my community say when I come back?
5) When can I get some rice and sauce?

You'll have to tune in later to find out! (predicting an update mid-September!) But for now I'll leave you with this:

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