Welcome to my blog! Thoughts, updates, and photos from my 2 years in Peace Corps Guinea.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friend or Sauce?

In susu, the word for friend is booré. The word for sauce is bore, with an open o and a weird e. Apparently, the first is pronouced approximately bow-ray. And the second is buh-rehh. It all sounds the same to me, but nonetheless, we spend 15 minutes in susu class today learning which one is which.

I also talked to one of the trainers about an interesting cultural phenomenon. Yesterday one of the girls at the high school started screaming and thrashing. We could all see her being carried by her hands and feet by several people, and then she was inside a house and we couldn't see her anymore. I assumed she had been told of a death or some tragedy that made her really upset, but my trainer said that she was visited by a man that only she can see, and that after these visits, girls become hysteric and sort of go out of focus, and when the episode is over they have no idea it even happened. She said this used to happen to her, and when the "man" came to visit the student, even though it wasn't her "visitor", she still felt the effects and had to leave the school in order to go have a private episode, similar to what the student did. She says that the men, who are usually white but clearly inhuman, are usually considered to be devils or djinns. I have never heard of anything like this, and I'd really like to know the Western view of it, but my reaction right now is to accept it as a cultural structure and a reality for the community here. Thanks, Help Center, for making me able to be unjudgemental. Still, incredible, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. wow, that's crazy how that happens to women throughout the culture. or maybe it's a universal thing, in which case i'll await my visit with some trepidation. yikes
